Twitter @sashanaod

A takedown worth reading: in combining smugness with youthful optimism, Vox figured out how to commodify being in t…

Twitter @sashanaod

Why does McDonald’s look sleek and boring now? In the race to follow other fast-casual restaurants, it’s removed so…

Twitter @sashanaod

We’re back next Sunday for “The Seed: Conversations on emergence and new beginnings” with Jonny Bonello. Sunday, 28…

Twitter @sashanaod

Today’s is the debut of “The Seed: Conversations on emergence & new beginnings” with Jonny Bonello. Today, 20 Mar a…

Twitter @sashanaod

“The Kardashians ... made their billions by making themselves over entirely, and then selling themselves wholly, an…

Twitter @sashanaod

More than just selling widgets. Brands today have Grand Social Purposes, especially when it comes to diversity.

Twitter @sashanaod

We need a far more profound conception of white supremacy and how the mainstream press has always been complicit in…

Twitter @sashanaod

Men are great at fighting, fucking & building stuff but terrible at who to fight, who to fuck and what to build - Jamie Wheal @rebelwisdom

Twitter @sashanaod

Play your cards right in the new game and we all get a slice of awesome. This is the final part of my series on the…

Twitter @sashanaod

We're not in Kansas anymore, folks. The brands that survive in this new era will be those we want to buy into, not…